St Paul’s Cathedral, London.

This recipe is compatible with Fujifilm X-Trans IV sensor cameras such as the X-T3, X-T30, X-Pro3, X-T4, X-S10, X-E4. This recipe can be used with older and newer sensors but you will have to play with the options your camera gives you.

So why shoot jpeg and bother to alter the already built in film simulations? For me the answer was because I wanted to speed up my workflow and when I first started I didn’t enjoy editing photos. After initially shooting with the built in simulations I stumbled across the Fuji X weekly site and started trying out the recipes on there, but after a while I didn’t want to simulate film but instead use the camera to “pre edit” my photos. The only adjustments made to the jpegs if any, are exposure.

The Streets wasn’t created to simulate any specific film stock but instead to give my images a look I was happy with straight out of camera (SOOC), I created this to mimic how I perceive things to look in real life.

I’ve used this recipe now for around 18 months and use it primarily for shooting street photography and my everyday life. Jpeg files have more versatility than a lot of people give them credit for so don’t be afraid to edit them if they don’t come out the way you wanted.

China Town, London.

The Streets recipe

Film Simulation: Provia (standard)

Grain effect: Off

Colour Chrome Effect: Weak

White balance: Auto R- +2, B -2

Dynamic range: 200

Highlight: +1

Shadow: +1

Colour: +3

Sharpness: +1

ISO: Auto Max sensitivity 12800

Below are some more SOOC examples of The Streets shot on a Fujifilm X-T3 with a 35mm F2 lens.